• Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center (map)
  • 2410 Wickham Ave.
  • Newport News

Section 3 residents are invited to Seize the Moment, an information session on jobs, training and entrepreneurship opportunities in the Marshall-Ridley Choice Neighborhood. This community event will take place on Sept. 19, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Downing-Gross Cultural Arts Center, 2410 Wickham Ave.

The information session will cover:

  • Resume preparation services

  • Workforce development and training opportunities

  • Upcoming employment opportunities

  • Entrepreneurs: Taking advantage of tools to get your business off the ground

  • How to navigate the HUD online portal

This event will help participants prepare for hiring opportunities, including office and administrative positions; painting; plumbing and HVAC; landscaping; and architectural, engineering and construction services.

Many opportunities will be created across all industries as a result of the recent HUD award of $30 million to Newport News for the implementation of the Marshall-Ridley Choice Neighborhood Initiative and the Section 3 program.

Section 3 is a means by which HUD fosters local economic development, neighborhood economic improvement, and individual self-sufficiency. Section 3 is the legal basis for providing jobs for residents and awarding contracts to businesses in areas receiving certain types of HUD financial assistance.

Not sure if you are a Section 3 resident? Section 3 residents are:

  • Public housing residents.

  • Low and very-low income persons who live in the metropolitan area or non-metropolitan county where a HUD-assisted project for housing or community development is located, such as the Marshall-Ridley Choice Neighborhood Initiative.

Childcare is available at this event (see the form below). Lunch is also included. To register, please complete the form below or call 757-247-5105 with any questions.

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